Author: Connor Tomas O’Brien
Better-Nevers, Never-Betters, Ever-Wasers
In a recent piece for the New Yorker, Adam Gopnik analyses contemporary web criticism, breaking it into three camps: works written by those who argue that the web is an economically- and socially-destructive wildebeest, those who view the web as a liberating and ‘democratising’ influence, and those who believe the web is just the latest…
Doodles of the Week
Gerren Lamson’s SXSW Sketchnotes are fantastic. In part, of course, because he attended some wonderful panels.
Quote of the Week: Ryan Paine on Facebook
“Privacy concerns aside, I’m moving away from Facebook for a much simpler reason: boredom. Facebook homogenises the way we share information, and it’s just stopped being fun for me: post a link here to illustrate your political acuity, ‘like’ a post there to congratulate your friends for the ideology you share, tag yourself in a…
Quote of the Week: Merlin Mann
“I can’t wait to have a contractual obligation for a book. I can’t wait to have my project ruined by somebody who doesn’t understand it for not that much money.” – Merlin Mann: Back to Work, Episode 5